Wednesday, 24 July 2013
EuroAspire Mobility Last Days
Come passa in fretta il tempo! L'ultima settimana, infuocata anche per il caldo crescente, è trascorsa tra i monumenti di Roma barocca, l'appartamento di San Lorenzo, l'Auditorium e la Casa del Jazz, e poi Monterocktondo, Trastevere e shopping compulsivo... E finalmente ieri i ragazzi sono stati iniziati a tre elementi fondamentali della nostra cultura: cacio e pepe, amatriciana e arrabbiata. Al doveroso sondaggio di gradimento si classificano pari punti amatriciana e arrabbiata, terzo posto per cacio e pepe (la preferita di Enzo e mia). A questo punto l'infarinata romana è veramente completa, al tempo il compito di far germogliare e crescere tutto quello che si è seminato in questi venti giorni (inclusa l'indiscussa superiorità di cacio e pepe su ogni altro tipo di pasta...) Goodbye guys! ...and good luck!
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Collage Arts Students - Day 15
This morning we woke up a little earlier than usual as we had an appointment at 10am with Bruno who works at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
His job consists mainly of retrieving music from old vinyls that may be damaged or broken. He walked us through the whole building before taking us to his technology playground! He showed us an example of a damaged vinyl and showed us how to rectify a sector of the music. We could hear the different whistling noises and crackles from the damages and watched him clear it all up within minutes. I found this very interesting as his ears where very sharp, he identified noises that the majority of us couldn't even hear!
Later we walked through a beautiful home that was absolutely huge! He told us the house previously belonged to a self made family. The arches outside the house were gigantic and had statues of famous people along the rim of the ceiling. We then made our way into the home where half of us managed to get up the stairs and the other half gave in and resulted into using the lift - including myself!
At the very top there was a room which was surrounded by dark, wooden wardrobes that started from the floor and reached all the way to the ceiling. In the middle was an old ironing table that had been converted into a display for a mini museum. They had all forms of music players from a juke box to a vinyl player to the first form of audio recording. This was very interesting to watch whilst I held onto my iPhone 4. The difference and changes in technology is unbelievable!
Written by Reem Ghirmay
His job consists mainly of retrieving music from old vinyls that may be damaged or broken. He walked us through the whole building before taking us to his technology playground! He showed us an example of a damaged vinyl and showed us how to rectify a sector of the music. We could hear the different whistling noises and crackles from the damages and watched him clear it all up within minutes. I found this very interesting as his ears where very sharp, he identified noises that the majority of us couldn't even hear!
Later we walked through a beautiful home that was absolutely huge! He told us the house previously belonged to a self made family. The arches outside the house were gigantic and had statues of famous people along the rim of the ceiling. We then made our way into the home where half of us managed to get up the stairs and the other half gave in and resulted into using the lift - including myself!
At the very top there was a room which was surrounded by dark, wooden wardrobes that started from the floor and reached all the way to the ceiling. In the middle was an old ironing table that had been converted into a display for a mini museum. They had all forms of music players from a juke box to a vinyl player to the first form of audio recording. This was very interesting to watch whilst I held onto my iPhone 4. The difference and changes in technology is unbelievable!
Written by Reem Ghirmay
Collage Arts Students - Day 11
Today my group went to Festa Da L'unita, an annual Italian festival that happens right through the summer with a new twist each day. I really enjoyed this festival as they had different cultural stalls spread across the park, from Italian to Latin to Caribbean. They had all kinds of things on sale such as jewellery and clothing at such a low price.
The event was also free which attracted so many of the locals creating a real sense of community. There was music, dancers and peculiar yet so fascinating art work on display. As the sun set, the bright colourful lights were turned on continuing to keep such a lively atmosphere. We had a few drinks whilst we watched the last of the performers and headed home with some ice cream to end a great night!
"A good range of exciting stalls!" - Evelyn Ofosu
"It was a great experience at my first Italian festival!" - Marie Boateng
Written by Reem Ghirmay
"A good range of exciting stalls!" - Evelyn Ofosu
"It was a great experience at my first Italian festival!" - Marie Boateng
Written by Reem Ghirmay
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Friday, 19 July 2013
Collage Arts and Mulab Logo
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
EuroAspire Mobility Days 7-14
I nostri ragazzi hanno superato anche la seconda settimana, e non è così scontato, col caldo che fa! In questi giorni si è un po' intensificato il lavoro del Find the Artist, perché non possiamo permettere che partano senza vedere tutto quello che a Roma c'è da vedere, per cui li abbiamo spediti da soli nei luoghi più belli della nostra città, a caccia di buskers e creativi. Qualche bella sorpresa anche per noi, che qualche volta li accompagniamo, per esempio a piazza Augusto Imperatore...
Oggi la visita all'Istituto dei Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi, guidati da Bruno Quaresima nel mondo del restauro dei supporti audio, ci ha permesso un'incursione dentro il bellissimo Palazzo Mattei di Giove di Via Caetani.
Oggi la visita all'Istituto dei Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi, guidati da Bruno Quaresima nel mondo del restauro dei supporti audio, ci ha permesso un'incursione dentro il bellissimo Palazzo Mattei di Giove di Via Caetani.
Monday, 15 July 2013
Collage Arts Students - Day 10
Today we had our own self directed day where we could do anything we wanted to do in Rome!! So we all decided to go to the beach in Cristofo Colombo!! We had a great day relaxing and having fun out in the sun!!
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Collage Arts Students - Day 9
This evening the Baroque team went to "Find the artists" around Rome, these are the places we visited:

Towards the end of the day we came across a trail of art mixed with messages, made by this man in the photo below...
Piazza di Spagna - The Spanish Steps

Can you spot the artists in the following photos?
Villa Borghese
Piazza del Popolo
Towards the end of the day we came across a trail of art mixed with messages, made by this man in the photo below...
We only managed to see two street artists unfortunately, one who was dressed as a ghost greeting the passing tourists and locals, and the other who painted Rome's most famous tourists spots on canvases. Usually there are many more street artists, however, due to the time we arrived we missed the rush hour.
We learnt about the Trevi fountain and its famous traits, such as the good luck you receive when throwing a coin backwards into the water. Also, when you dip a small section of your hair in the water. We had lots of fun participating with the other hundreds of tourists!
We later walked through one of the roads leading toward the Trevi fountain and stopped off at one of Rome's finest restaurants and indulged in some traditional food such as spaghetti and pizza. We celebrated Toby's last day with us before he returned back to Collage Arts in London.
"It was a really beautiful piece of Art. It was nice to see the tourists coming together helping each other out with taking pictures etc. Also, throwing a penny in the water was very interesting. I hope I get good luck!" - Evelyn Ofosu
Written by Reem Ghirmay
Friday, 12 July 2013
Collage Arts Students - Day 8
Tonight the Baroque team went to the Auditorium to see Alessandro Mannarino live in concert!!
Alessandro Mannarino is a famous Italian singer (and actor) who's main musical genre is Italian folk. We thought the concert was really great as Alessandro's music was very nice to listen to, also because he kept the audience engaged and the Italian fans in the audience were singing aloud, clapping and dancing which made the atmosphere very exciting!!
Collage Arts Students - Day 7
Today we visited Vatican City in the morning to view the beautiful buildings surrounding the Pope's home. The city was filled with tourists from all around the world, different sizes, races, ages, sex. It was amazing to see so many different people coming together in Rome to appreciate such an exquisite city. I have never seen anything quite like it.
Prior to entering the church we saw the colossal Tuscan colonnades, four columns deep at St Peter's square. The architectural aspect was very detailed and precise. Anna took us to the points in the square where if you stood there and looked at the pillars it appeared as though the colonnades where only one column deep!
The church was also very interesting as the whole building was built with such thought. Although I do not do photography I really did enjoy capturing such an important aspect of Italy. Below are some of the pictures I took.
"I found the paintings and the statues to be quite beautiful works of art and I was happy to be able to capture their beauty!" - Jamel Taylor
"Vatican city is so beautiful. It really showed how well thought out and important architectural detail was such a long time ago." - Tania Asamoah
"The different elements such as the blessed feet and the holy water space really makes the church so important and appreciated." - Evelyn Ofosu
Written by Reem Ghirmay
Prior to entering the church we saw the colossal Tuscan colonnades, four columns deep at St Peter's square. The architectural aspect was very detailed and precise. Anna took us to the points in the square where if you stood there and looked at the pillars it appeared as though the colonnades where only one column deep!
The church was also very interesting as the whole building was built with such thought. Although I do not do photography I really did enjoy capturing such an important aspect of Italy. Below are some of the pictures I took.
"I found the paintings and the statues to be quite beautiful works of art and I was happy to be able to capture their beauty!" - Jamel Taylor
"Vatican city is so beautiful. It really showed how well thought out and important architectural detail was such a long time ago." - Tania Asamoah
"The different elements such as the blessed feet and the holy water space really makes the church so important and appreciated." - Evelyn Ofosu
Written by Reem Ghirmay
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Collage Arts Students - Day 6
Today we had an amazing opportunity to meet the press agent of the Auditorium - Massimo. We were able to interview him and ask him some questions about his career path and the Auditorium. This was very exciting as it allowed us to have an insight on the historical side of the Auditorium and also some information on what being a press agent entails. We also had a mini tour of the Auditorium, showing us the ruins from Ancient Rome and some information on Italian Laws in regards to building over the ruins. The contrast between Italian and British culture was really highlighted during this visit!
We also later went into town in Spagna to view the Spanish steps and the different shops they had. We saw many different things such as street artists that varied from fortune telling and fine arts. The Italian culture is so beautiful and diverse, experiencing a different lifestyle has really allowed us to be more knowledgeable and appreciative.
Written by Reem Ghirmay
We also later went into town in Spagna to view the Spanish steps and the different shops they had. We saw many different things such as street artists that varied from fortune telling and fine arts. The Italian culture is so beautiful and diverse, experiencing a different lifestyle has really allowed us to be more knowledgeable and appreciative.
Written by Reem Ghirmay
Photography by David Christie
Collage Arts Students Week One
This is a video summary of our first week in Rome!!
Filmed and edited by Jamel Taylor
Filmed and edited by Jamel Taylor
EuroAspire Mobility - Days 4,5,6
Dopo la prima infarinata su Roma e su alcuni dei luoghi più importanti di produzione culturale i ragazzi hanno iniziato ad affrontare le interviste.
Hanno infatti già incontrato Lorenzo Pasquali di Ondadurto Teatro che ha chiarito un po' la differenza tra quello che l'arte su strade è e quello che potrebbe essere (fondamentale per il percorso "Find the Artist" che i nostri Collage guys stanno affrontando) e Massimo Pasquini, responsabile dell'Ufficio Stampa dell'Auditorium Parco della Musica, che ci ha guidati nella visita del bel progetto di Renzo Piano.
Hanno infatti già incontrato Lorenzo Pasquali di Ondadurto Teatro che ha chiarito un po' la differenza tra quello che l'arte su strade è e quello che potrebbe essere (fondamentale per il percorso "Find the Artist" che i nostri Collage guys stanno affrontando) e Massimo Pasquini, responsabile dell'Ufficio Stampa dell'Auditorium Parco della Musica, che ci ha guidati nella visita del bel progetto di Renzo Piano.
A Massimo vanno i nostri più sentiti ringraziamenti per l'opportunità che ci ha offerto consentendoci l'ingresso a tre concerti, così come anche a Cecilia Guerrieri Paleotti della Casa del Jazz (che ci ha aperto le porte di Villa Osio) e a Stefania Vannini e Paolo Le Grazie della Fondazione MAXXI, che ci hanno scortato nel tempio vivo e pulsante dell'arte e architettura contemporanea. Senza il contributo di queste persone e istituzioni quest'esperienza sarebbe assai più povera!
Non è mancato un momento di leggerezza, Jamel e Brandon, sopravvissuti alla stanchezza e al raffreddore, hanno partecipato alla presentazione del libro di Andrea Satta, cantante dei Tetes de Bois, "Ci sarà una volta - favole e mamme in ambulatorio" con Francesco Di Giacomo, il mitico cantante del Banco del Mutuo Soccorso. Chissà cosa hanno capito, ma hanno filmato artisti, giornalisti e tutor trasformati da Satta in bruchi, farfalle e barboni... probabilmente ancora non hanno capito che è materiale che scotta!
Nelle foto: Lorenzo Pasquali intervistato da Reem e Massimo Pasquini intervistato da Evelyn
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Collage Arts Students - Day 5
Today we got up and met Anna and walked down to the university cafe and Enzo arrived shortly after, spoke to Anna and Enzo about opening a tumblr account and they accepted our proposal because they didn't want to limit our creativity, shortly after that we started our journey to the Maxxi and met Stefania Vannini the head of the Education Department, she showed us the interior designs by Zahaa Hadid who is the architecture based in London, she then took us into a room where Fiona Tan's projects was placed, videos where place on white boards that hung from the ceiling acting as a picture frame the footage was captures in the 3 biggest prisons in the US, after that she took us too the top floor where there was more video art, we had to put on headphones whilst walking around the room and the sound changed depending on the section of the room we was in, the first section was videos of a house museum and the music was a chord of strings being played from a stringed instrument which went up and down keys, we then walked to the second section where the sound changed to the audio from the video of a working class asian couple, the third section had numerous bean bags to lay or sit on whilst watching the video of Marco Polo narrating. we then went back to the apartment for a little while to edit and do any pieces of work outstanding we then went to the cassa del jazz to film and photograph a book show/reading by Andrea Satta and Francesco Di Giacomo from the book Ci Sara' Una Volta, Andrea Satta arranges meeting for him to read to the parents and kids.
"I found it to be an amazing experience due to having a keen interest in Zahaa Hadid's work whilst studying it in college, so getting to see it for my self was an irreplaceable experience" - Jamel Taylor
"Going to the Maxxi gallery has been a really good opportunity of seeing the arts world in another country, it has broaden my horizon and hopefully i can take away something that will inspire me to create great artwork" - David Christie
Monday, 8 July 2013
Collage Arts Students - Day 4
Today we interviewed Lorenzo Pisquali.I found that the interview was slightly challenging but also good for us as a team because we ran into a few problems and hurdles but as a team we had to work together and get the job done. Me and David found the location to shoot the interview. Reem interviewed Lorenzo, Charlotte and Brandon where sound operators and me and Tania where camera operators. David was taking photos of the production and will be uploading the images to the blog spot.
To celebrate the good job we done, me and the rest of the team went to a Busy Signal concert at the end of the night. Everybody really enjoyed themselves. The concert was very fun, it was very multi cultural, people where dancing and singing to all the songs.
EuroAspire Mobility - Day 3
Oggi i ragazzi, hanno cominciato a raccogliere le prime idee e a lavorare per conto loro sul blog e sui video. Non è facile! Molti stimoli, molte emozioni e poi ruoli da dividere, sia come creativi sia nella gestione della vita di ogni giorno... comunque, da quello che abbiamo potuto vedere, sono ottimi cuochi!
Nel frattempo in questi giorni il meteo è pazzerello e ha scambiato l'Italia per l'India, piove ogni pomeriggio e anche oggi non siamo stati risparmiati... comunque, dopo un acquazzone veramente memorabile, Jamel, Brandon, Evelyn e Reem sono partiti per il primo "Find the Artist" e hanno affrontato la scalinata di Piazza di Spagna, la terrazza del Pincio e Piazza del Popolo... però tra i loro scatti c'era anche il Colosseo illuminato! Invece Luke, David, Charlotte, Tania e Valentina stavolta per fortuna sono riusciti a vedere il concerto di Jeff Ballard alla Casa del Jazz, una splendida contaminazione tra jazz ed elettronica. David mi ha chiesto: "Perché la gente sta seduta e non balla?". Già, perché?
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Collage Arts Students - Day 3
"Find the Arts" is a discovery project based around street art in Rome and so it's vision is to expose Rome's cultural and creative expression. Nine young individuals separated into two groups have planned to capture multimedia content and create two 5 minute videos over the next couple of weeks.
These are the groups:
Project Managers: Toblerone (Toby), M Black (Marie) and Vale (Valentina)
The A Team: Reem, Develyn (Evelyn), Tayzee (Jamel) and Tromah (Brandon)
Baroque Team: Tania, Charlotte, Christie (David) and Luke Ro (Luke)
Tonight The A Team had a delayed start because of unseasonal rainfalls but they attempted to complete the tasks by finding the arts. They started at Piazza di Spagna walking from the Spanish steps to Piazza del Popolo where they saw the Santa Maria del Popolo church which featured famous artists' work such as Rafael and Caravaggio. The team thought that it was quite a fun experience to find the arts because it was like a treasure hunt.
The Baroque Team went to La Casa del Jazz to see Jeff Ballard perform in his new trio band for the first time ever!!The group enjoyed the concert very much because it was a new experience because a lot of youngsters in London don't often listen to Jazz music and get the opportunity to see live Jazz bands perform. Also they were content that after the concert they got to meet the great musician Jeff Ballard who voluntarily answered any questions and told the group a bit about his music career.
Tonight The A Team had a delayed start because of unseasonal rainfalls but they attempted to complete the tasks by finding the arts. They started at Piazza di Spagna walking from the Spanish steps to Piazza del Popolo where they saw the Santa Maria del Popolo church which featured famous artists' work such as Rafael and Caravaggio. The team thought that it was quite a fun experience to find the arts because it was like a treasure hunt.
The Baroque Team went to La Casa del Jazz to see Jeff Ballard perform in his new trio band for the first time ever!!The group enjoyed the concert very much because it was a new experience because a lot of youngsters in London don't often listen to Jazz music and get the opportunity to see live Jazz bands perform. Also they were content that after the concert they got to meet the great musician Jeff Ballard who voluntarily answered any questions and told the group a bit about his music career.
Friday, 5 July 2013
Collag Arts Students - Day 2
Today we took a tour around Rome in order to learn more about the Italian culture and the history of Rome. We started the day off in Ancient Rome (L'antica Roma) and travelled from Circo massimo to the Collosuem passing a few historic monuments and churches on the way.
Above and below: Bocca della Verita'
Above: Santa Maria in Aracoeli
Above: Underground City
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